How to Become a Successful Concert Producer in 3 Easy Steps

Home / How to Become a Successful Concert Producer in 3 Easy Steps

by: Antony Hampel


There are countless movies about how cool it is to be a concert producer or promoter. In the films, these effortlessly hip figures stalk about venues yelling at runners, chain smoking, and schmoozing with musicians. Unfortunately, real life is not like the movies and being a concert producer comes with a lot of responsibility.


Whilst it can be an extremely fun and rewarding job, it also a hectic one. There are lots of people to direct, countless different elements to plan and supervise, and a lot of networking and liaising to do. To be a good concert producer, you need to be reliable, trustworthy, and hardworking – strong business relationships are a must, as is a patient temperament.


This guide to becoming a successful concert producer in just three easy steps will help you to understand what it takes to run the show.

Creating an Impeccable Reputation

In many ways, this is the hardest thing of all to do, because it takes time and the ability to learn from your mistakes. Yet, as with any rewarding job, being a concert producer gets easier and more enjoyable the longer you stick with it. This is because, eventually, all good concert producers start to gain a reputation for reliability, trust, and charm. If artists and sponsors like you, securing great gigs will be a breeze.

Getting Familiar with the Rules

This is something which a lot of novice concert producers neglect to begin with, but most learn their lesson quickly – especially if the smooth operation of a show depends on it. It is important to understand that not all regions operate under the same laws and regulations. Whilst domestic laws are not going to change much, from region to region, there may be some differences when it comes to handing out promotional material, sticking up posters and flyers, and adhering to city curfews.

Logging On and Staying Connected

These days, a skill and proficiency with social media is essential for a concert producer. There is no faster and more efficient way to network, so get connected and start establishing links with sponsors, musicians, venue owners, security firms, lighting companies, and anybody else who might come in useful one day. The key to successful social media promotion is presence. It is not enough to simply post invites –you need to follow up on comments, feedback to interested parties, answer queries, and solve problems before they arise.


by: Ant Hampel